June 7, 2023

How To Write Better Real Estate Listing Descriptions That Get More Leads


Writing copy for real estate is not just about putting words on a page. It’s about telling the story of your listing and making it stand out from all the others. A well-written description can draw in potential buyers and help them envision themselves living in your property. It also gives potential buyers an idea of how much they should potentially spend on the property, which will help them make decisions on homes they visit later on.

When you write a real estate listing description, you are communicating with the potential buyer of your property. You are telling them all about your home in a way that will make them want to see it. If done right, this can result in many more showings and ultimately more sales.

If you have ever been to an open house or seen someone else’s home being sold on the market, then you know how important these creative real estate descriptions are. Many times they are what make buyers decide if they want to come see the property or not because there could be hundreds of other homes for sale at any given time–and if yours doesn’t stand out from all of those listings then no one will ever visit.

Understand Your Target Audience

You need to understand your target audience. Who is the ideal buyer for your property? What are their needs and wants? If you can, get a good idea of what kind of person they are by talking with them on the phone or in person, but if that’s not possible, research their demographics online and ask yourself questions like these:

  • How old are they?
  • Do they have kids or pets?
  • What kind of job do they have (if any)?

You’ll also want to think about where your ideal buyers live–in an urban neighborhood or rural community; near public transportation or far away from it; walking distance to work or farther away than most people would commute every day–and tailor your description accordingly.

Use Attention-Grabbing Headlines

One of the most important parts of your property description is the headline and opening statement. It’s what a potential buyer will see first, and if it doesn’t catch their eye, they’ll skip right over it. You need to create an attention-grabbing headline that makes them want to read more about your property.

Keep Real Estate Listing Description Short and Sweet

When writing your headline, keep in mind that this is not where you should go into detail about all the features of your house. Instead, think of this as a short summary of what makes this house unique–a quick way for someone unfamiliar with real estate lingo or who may simply be scanning through many listings at once to understand what makes yours stand out from another real estate agent,

Focus on the Property’s Unique Features

Your listing description is a key part of the marketing process for your property. How you describe it will determine whether or not potential buyers are interested in learning more about it.

To write effective descriptions, you need to focus on the unique features of your property and how they will appeal to potential buyers as a real estate ad. This includes things like:

  • Location (e.g., close to schools/shopping)
  • Floor plan (e.g., open-concept living room)

Be Descriptive and Use Sensory Language

You need to paint a picture with words, and that can be done by using sensory language. Sensory words are the ones that help us experience the world around us–and if you take away one thing from this article, let it be this: we all want our clients’ listings to come alive through their descriptions. If you use sensory language in your listing descriptions, they’ll do just that!

Here are some sensory words and real estate description examples:

  • “The smell of freshly baked bread wafted through the house as we entered.”
  • “The sound of birds chirping outside our master bedroom window was soothing.”
  • “I felt my heart pound when I saw my dream home for sale.”

Use Powerful and Persuasive Words

Use powerful and persuasive words to describe your property listing.

Action words

Words that help the reader visualize what it’s like to live in the home or how they will feel when they buy it. For example, instead of saying “This house has hardwood floors,” say “Imagine yourself walking on this newly-refinished hardwood floor.”

Personal pronouns

Using personal pronouns in real estate advertisements like ‘you’ and ‘your’ can help make your description more engaging. For example, instead of saying “The kitchen has granite countertops” say “You’ll love cooking meals in this kitchen with its granite countertops.”

Be Honest and Accurate

When you’re writing a property listing description, honesty is the best policy. You want to ensure that your real estate property descriptions are as accurate and detailed as possible so that potential buyers will have all of the information they need before making their decision.

You may be tempted to include misleading information in order to make your home seem more appealing than it really is or to hide some of its flaws from prospective buyers–but this can come back to bite you later on down the line when buyers discover what they were never told about beforehand!

Utilize Proper Formatting and Structure

Proper formatting and structure are the keys to writing a good listing description. Your goal should be to make it easy for your prospective buyer to scan the page, understand what he or she is reading and make a decision about whether or not they want to read more.

To do this, use bullet points whenever possible instead of long paragraphs. Break up long sections with white space so that they don’t seem overwhelming (this also makes them easier on the eyes). And always remember: no one wants to read an essay.

Include High-Quality Photos and Videos

As you know, photographs are an essential part of any listing. They can help to sell the home and give potential buyers a better idea of what they’ll be buying. However, not all photos are created equal: some listings have high-quality images that really showcase the property, while others rely on outdated or poorly taken shots that don’t do justice to their home’s value or appeal. One way you can ensure yours stands out from the crowd is by taking high-quality photos yourself–but if this isn’t possible (or feasible), then hire someone who knows how to take great shots.

Proofread and Edit Your Property Description

When you’re writing your listing description as posts or real estate ads, it’s important to proofread and edit your work before you publish it. You want the first impression of your property to be a good one–and that means making sure there are no errors in the listing description.

If you’re not sure where to start when proofreading and editing your own writing, here are some tips:

  • Read out loud. Reading aloud helps catch mistakes because our brains tend to skip over words we don’t recognize as well when we read silently.
  • Have someone else read it back for you. This can help catch errors too; however, this person should be familiar with real estate-related terminology so they don’t accidentally correct something that actually reads fine or add in their own opinions on things like price estimates or renovations needed at certain times during those projects’ lifespans instead of just giving feedback based purely upon whether or not something makes sense grammatically/syntactically speaking.

Test and Revise Your Creative Real Estate Listing

Now that you’ve written your listing description, it’s time to test it out. You can do this by placing a link to your listing on social media and asking friends or family members if they would be interested in seeing the property. If they say yes, give them directions and see how long it takes for them to contact you about setting up a showing.

If there are any problems with the way your listing reads (such as confusing wording), revise it so that future visitors will understand what they’re seeing when they come across your post online.

Now that you know the secrets to write better real estate listing descriptions, it’s time to get started!

You can start by reading through your current listings and making a list of things that could be improved. Then, take one at a time and apply these tips for better real estate listing descriptions and more leads.

Real estate listings are one of the most important marketing tools available to real estate agents and brokers. By adding an effective description to your listing, you can increase buyer interest and generate more leads.

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